Hints and Tips – Next?

If you have just completed a speech, is the outline for your next speech ready for you to start working on? It always pays to be thinking ahead so that you will be ready when called on to speak again. From Speakeasy 79 – October 2005

Hints and Tips – THINK Before You Speak!

Think about the subject of your speech, Think what research you will need to undertake, Think about the logical sequence, Think of the speech opening, body and close, Think of your timing, eye contact, body language, voice projection. Improving your presentation skills requires a great deal of Thinking!! From Speakeasy 11 – February 2000

Hints and Tips – Three Ps

When practicing and giving speeches, do remember the three ‘Ps, Pitch, Pace and Pause. Use voice modulation/pitch to keep your speech interesting, the right pace – not too fast, not too slow and finally pause, a second or two between points helps you to consider your next point and gives the audience time to assimilate… Continue reading Hints and Tips – Three Ps