HOW TO! – Prepare and Practise

HOWTONow that you have the subject for your next speech, it is time to put it together. Write out your speech in full then read through it to see what is really not necessary to include and refine it so that it has a beginning that will hook in the audience, a body that has a logical flow and an ending the audience can take away with them.

Once you have the basis of the speech, speak it out loud to yourself several times and then practise in front of a mirror to see how your body language can be improved and record yourself. When playing back you can hear where you can use more voice modulation. If it is possible, ask your Mentor to see and hear your performance or at least give an outline by talking it through on the telephone so that you can gain advice.

When you feel comfortable, you will be ready to perform at your club. Remember, if you leave anything out of your speech the audience will not know so remember, when you see the red light, you should move smoothly into your close. Practise will help you to time yourself and be aware of when you need to close and will eventually make perfect!

Taken from Speakeasy 162 – August 2012